A ‘wakeup call’ leads to better health

Jason recommends the program to others whose health has gotten off track.
Even though I felt good, I was at high risk of a heart attack

Neil Ballment knew he had to do something about his health.
Pharmacy Pilot launches in rural Queensland

Last month My health for life launched a new Pharmacy Referral Pilot.
All paths lead Rebecca to My health for life

My health for life Health Coach Rebecca Corbett has had a ‘pretty colourful’ career path.
Lorraine’s determination to lose weight pays off

Lorraine Muller started the New Year motivated to lose weight. She could feel her clothes getting tighter and couldn’t stand the ‘tummy bulge’ when she sat down.

A group of Queensland Men’s ‘shedders’ has swapped wood lathes for workbooks, in an effort to reduce their risk of chronic disease.
Happy new you

New Year is traditionally a time of renewal when we resolve to make some life improvements.
One for the blokes

Following on from the research, My health for life is undertaking a trial of several men-only health groups to support men to get their healthy.
“He’s too much of a man to do that” – why do men reject health screening services?

Why do some men find it difficult to keep their health in check, instead waiting until something serious occurs?
What QLD men think

More than half of Queensland’s adult men are unhappy with their bodies, a My health for life study has found.
The research, undertaken by the Queensland Government-funded lifestyle program also identified one in four men frequently feel anxious or depressed.