Flexible delivery options via phone, face-to-face, virtual or in-language
Reporting, to assist wellbeing planning and evaluation
Free Qualified Health Coaches for your employees
At no cost, My health for life supports Queensland workers to understand their health, make healthier choices and create healthier habits to lower their risk of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. We offer flexible delivery to support your workforce demographics and working conditions.
For more information, download the workplace resources and submit your expression of interest to work@myhealthforlife.com.au today.
Inspire a healthier workplace with the My health for life initiative!
With employees spending a third of their lives at work, workplace wellness initiatives can increase productivity and reduce work-related ill-health and absenteeism.
The benefits can be felt by workplaces as the healthiest employees are almost three times more productive and are less likely to experience workplace injuries. The lasting lifestyle changes that come from the initiative can also positively influence workers’ families and communities.
Take advantage of free Health Checks and Health Coaching, for your workforce.
Reduce risk
Initiatives like this can reduce employee risk factors by up to 56%1
Increase Productivity
Workplace wellness programs can increase productivity & reduce work-related ill health and absenteeism1
Improve culture
Investing in the health of your workers improves their engagement and teamwork1
Reduce risk
Initiatives like this can reduce employee risk factors by up to 56%1
Increase Productivity
Workplace wellness programs can increase productivity & reduce work-related ill health and absenteeism1
Improve culture
Investing in the health of your workers improves their engagement and teamwork1
1 Queensland Government. (2023). Benefits of health and wellbeing for work. [online] WorkSafe Queensland. Available at: https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/safety-and-prevention/health-and-wellbeing/why-take-care-of-health-and-wellbeing-at-work/benefits-of-health-and-wellbeing-for-work [accessed 24 Aug. 2023].
1 Queensland Government. (2023). Benefits of health and wellbeing for work. [online] WorkSafe Queensland. Available at: https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/safety-and-prevention/health-and-wellbeing/why-take-care-of-health-and-wellbeing-at-work/benefits-of-health-and-wellbeing-for-work [accessed 24 Aug. 2023].
My health for life
Workplace Outcomes
have participated in the initiative*
*My health for life Program, January 2016 – September 2023, Workplace Outcome Summary
For more information, download the workplace resources and
submit your expression of interest to work@myhealthforlife.com.au