the story so far...


My health for life launched in Wide Bay several months ago and since then we have rolled out group sessions in Cairns and the surrounding hinterland and in Brisbane, north of the river up to Caboolture, while south Brisbane and Ipswich is fast approaching. In all, the program is live in five Health and Hospital Service areas and phone coaching is now available across the state.

Other key facts:

  • 400 program participants so far
  • 21 provider organisations are now on board
  • 42 facilitators trained, now running 42 groups
  • Telephone health coaches supporting participants from areas as diverse as Stanthorpe, Blackwater and Monto.

If you can help us get the word out about the program, we would love to hear from you at We have a range of resources we would be happy to send.

If you are interested in referring a patient or want to know more about being a provider, go to

You can even host a health check event in your community or workplace, contact us at

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