Over 40s get a healthy reality check
Research undertaken by the healthy lifestyle program My health for life indicates many Queenslanders over 40 have the mistaken belief they are in excellent health.

It is starting to look a lot like christmas
This is our last stakeholder newsletter for 2018 and we want to say a massive thank you for your support. We are grateful for how the community, health sector and business has rallied together to make My health for life the success it is, particularly the participants who have put their faith in the program.

Kerstin – attuned to change
Since the beginning of my ‘My health for life journey’ I have felt significant benefits, particularly increased self-confidence. I am now more attuned to my body, enabling me to change life-long habits. I was well supported within the program and through discussions with my group, felt empowered to at first make small lifestyle changes then larger adjustments without pressure. I realise this is a life-long journey…

In other program news (Nov 2018)
There have been a number of exciting things happening within the program over the last few months, including a new partnership with Tennis Queensland.

In other news…
The last few months have been busy and exciting for My health for life. From undertaking thousands of risk assessments across QLD to holding our first community forum in Mackay.

Our engagement gets experiential
Did you know that 85 per cent of today’s consumers find information provided by other consumers more influential than any form of information shared by a brand itself? With this in mind, My health for life is undertaking a series of community events over the coming months, bringing the brand to life by creating an emotional connection with potential consumers.

Albert – changing lives
Albert, 65, a former industrial relations consultant from the Gold Coast, has a complex medical history, including a recent knee replacement. He relies on a wheelie walker and could only do short walks around his home before Get Set for Surgery put him in touch with My health for life. My health for life motivated him to tackle his physical limitations and weight through regular exercise and eating a balanced diet…

Workplace offering underway
The workplace program is now well underway and a diverse group of organisations have either begun or expressed interest in the program, including Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Change to eligibility
Two changes to the eligibility criteria for My health for life have been approved by Queensland Health, broadening the scope for program candidates.