quitting smoking

Tobacco smoking is one of the biggest causes of preventable death and disease in Australia.

Tobacco smoke contains up to 7000 known chemicals, including highly addictive nicotine. When you smoke, these harmful chemicals enter your lungs and body. In fact, they can reach anywhere that blood flows, like the brain, heart, and other organs, all within 10 seconds of your first inhale.

Smoking can lower life expectancy and quality of life. Smokers on average have 10 years less life expectancy than non-smokers. But the good news is that when a smoker quits, they reduce their risk of many chronic diseases over time. Even when you quit later in life, you can still achieve great health benefits and improve your life expectancy.

Benefits of quitting smoking

  • A better sense of taste and smell
  • Cleaner skin
  • Stronger immune system
  • Cleaner teeth and mouth
  • More energy


Like any behaviour change, setbacks and relapse are a part of the quitting journey, but it is important not to give up. Remain focussed on why you want to quit and the positive benefits that can be felt as your body begins to restore and repair.

Want more information and support?

There are many different products and support services to help you quit smoking. You may need to try different options before you find what’s right for you.

Call Quitline on 13 78 48 to access their trained counsellors, or get help from their online QuitHQ. Quitline also has a team of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander counsellors available.

Your GP can provide advice on your available quit-smoking options, including prescription medications, such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) patches, gum, lozenges, inhaler, or sprays.

Your pharmacist can recommend some over-the-counter medication to help you quit or try the free My QuitBuddy smartphone app (from the Australian Government).