say yes to you this silly season (& have your'elf a merry little christmas)
If the festive season has you feeling burdened or overwhelmed, rather than excitedly counting the days until the big fella comes, it’s important to have a few coping strategies to see you past the New Year.
Say yes to saying no
The holidays can be a time when many of us are expected to fulfill family and social obligations. At the end of the day, it’s important to look after our own needs. If a situation causes us stress and anxiety, then it’s okay for us to say no. Deliver your no with kindness and don’t buy into other people’s reactions. How they react is up to them.
Stick to a budget
Money worries can be magnified at this time of year. Work out what you can afford and consider whether overspending is worth the stress.
Acknowledge grief and loneliness
This time of year is particularly hard if you have experienced the loss of a loved one. It’s important to acknowledge how you feel. It may help to share how you are feeling with others. Maybe think about doing something that makes you feel good.
Feel free to feel good
Some important things to remember this time of year include:
- Watch the alcohol and intersperse drinks with non-alcoholic beverages.
- If you’ve been eating too many sugary treats, party food, and eating out alot take a moment to pause and reflect and reset. It’s okay to treat yourself, but don’t make a habit of unhealthy choices.
- If you’re at home try and factor in incidental exercise – you’ll feel all the better for it.
- Aim to keep a regular bedtime where possible, and aim for quality sleep – give the phone, devices and the late night streaming a bit of rest.
With a few strategies up your sleeve, you can enjoy the silly season and go into the new year with a positive outlook that will give you a solid foundation for the rest of the year.
If you or a loved one are experiencing difficulties this holiday season, Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support. Lifeline 131 114.
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